How to Start Living a Healthy Lifestyle
Having a healthy lifestyle helps to improve your overall health and well-being. Explore different things that you can do to live a healthy lifestyle, such as eating healthy, being physically active and dealing with stress. "Healthy living" to most people means both physical and mental health. However, a healthy lifestyle isn’t just about eating healthy and exercising regularly, it’s also about taking care of the “whole you” – your body, mind, emotions, and spiritual well-being. That means taking care of yourself from the inside out.
Healthy Eating:
Eating healthy is not about strict limitations, staying unrealistically skinny, or eliminating the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, improving your health and boosting your mood.
Having a healthier diet doesn’t have to be complicated. Eating food that is as close as possible to the way nature made it can make a huge difference to your body.
- Balance your meals. Have protein, carbohydrates, fats and vegetables or fruits at each meal. It is not about a single meal; it is about a balanced food choices over time that will make a difference!
- Eat three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). It is important to remember that dinner does not have to be the largest meal of the day. Eating three meals ensures you will eat on a schedule and get enough calories and nutrients. Our metabolism functions best on a similar schedule daily. Eating every 4-5 hours guarantees plenty of energy and an efficient metabolism.
- Snacks are important if you get hungry in between meals. It should include items like fruits, whole grains, or nuts to satisfy hunger and not cause excessive weight gain. Snacks keep your energy going until meal time.
- Proportion your plate to visually have about ½ vegetables and/or fruit, ¼ protein, ¼ healthy carbohydrates and some fats at each meal.
Body Maintenance:
Living a healthy lifestyle is a key component to good health, wellness, and longevity.Taking care of your diet, physical activity and stress levels allows you to effectively balance all aspects of your life and the “whole you”.
Hydrate – Dehydration makes you feel tired. Adults need to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid a day! Or more if it's very hot or if they are physically active. Water is the best source, and we can consume tap or mineral water, sparkling or non-sparkling, plain or flavoured. Caffeine and alcohol are very dehydrating. Balance caffeine or alcohol consumption with non-caffeinated, non-alcoholic fluids.
Sleep – Sleep deprivation increases appetite which may lead to a host of health problems including obesity and decreased brain function. So proper sleep helps with your overall wellness.
Exercise – Physical activity and exercise is a major contributor to a healthy lifestyle. If you can exercise regularly. The effects of brief physical exertion last much longer than those of caffeine, and exercise gives you endorphins which can help reduce stress.
Positive Thinking:
If we all looked the same, the world would be a very boring place.
The right weight for each person depends on factors like our gender, height, age, and genes. We also suggest you to consult with your doctor or nutritionist to aid your journey to greater health, energy, and vitality.
Healthy Lifestyle Key Attributes:
- Eat Healthy
- Exercise
- Hydrate
- Sleep
- Think Positively
Every person’s list of healthy lifestyle behaviors may be different. The most important thing to remember is that you can make a difference in your health and well-being. Take charge of your life, and be mindful of small behavior changes that can make your lifestyle a healthier one.