5 Tips For Staying Healthy This Holiday Season
The holidays are here!! With lots of travelling, hugging and more human contact than usual, it's not surprising that more people tend to get sick right before the holidays. We have put together a list of 5 Tips to keep you healthy this season.
1. Get Enough Sleep!
This one can be difficult with so many events being packed into 5 weeks. The best way to make sure you are not losing any ZZZzzzzs is to track it and make sure you are aware of how much you are getting. Not getting enough sleep can lead to a lower immune system making your more susceptible to getting sick!
2. Load Up On Vitamin C
You hear it all the time when flu season comes around "take your Vitamin C"! Vitamin C helps to make your immune system strong so you don't have to worry about fighting all those germs! One way to get the power of vitamin C is eating Goji Berries! Goji's are packed with Vitamin C and are easy to throw into your favorite holiday recipes.
3. Drink Lots Of Water
Staying hydrated is important year round. During the colder months it's even easier to become dehydrated because of the extra dry air. Drinking enough water will keep you system running strong and your immunity defense on point!
4. Switch Some Of Your Ingredients To Superfoods
With superfoods more obtainable than ever, maybe it is time to have another look at Great Aunt Alice's Thanksgiving Recipes and see if you can switch out of throw in more nutrient dense foods. Making sure that your food is backed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants will keep you super-fueled and ready to enjoy the holidays.
5. Be More Conscious Of Germs
This time of year is when you should be doubling up on disinfectant. Keep in mind that there are way more people out and about that are probably on their way to being sick than any other season. Carry hand sanitizer in your car or on your person and make sure to ALWAYS wash your hands before you eat.