with love from the bottom of Foodly heart
Good Sugar vs. Bad Sugar
As a culture, we have a pretty complicated relationship with sugar. There are several different types of sugar, countless substitutes, and all types of labels and classifications. There is so much information that it can actually make you unsure of what is really going on and what is good vs. bad. At the base of it, all real sugar (not chemical or natural sweeteners necessarily) is digested and absorbed the same. Your bloodstream cannot tell the difference whether you eat 50g of fruit sugar or 50g of sour patch watermelons. What makes the main difference is in these "good" and...
The Tastiest Way To Roast Pumpkin Seeds
Looking for a tasty and healthy snack? Check out the recipe below for a great salad topping, trail mix addition, or stand alone item to munch on! Roasted Pumpkin Seeds Ingredients 1 Cup Healthworks Pumpkin Seeds 1 1/2 tbsp Healthworks Coconut Oil, melted 1/2 tsp Healthworks Turmeric 1/2 tsp Cumin 1/2 tsp Corriander 1/2 tsp Salt 1/2 tsp Chili Flakes How To Preheat oven to 300F. Melt the coconut oil, pour over pumpkin seeds and toss, add all seasonings and mix. Spread out evenly over a lined baking sheet, and put in preheated oven. Leave in for 20 minutes for a chewier,...
All About Vitamin C
Vitamin C is one of the few nutritional ideas that just about everyone has heard about, but, other than orange juice and acidic flavored vitamins, what else is there to actually know? Well, first thing, is that 500mg of Vitamin C per day is the amount considered to be beneficial to your health. You intake Vitamin C with pretty much every fruit or vegetable you eat (about nine servings a day will meet the 500mg mark), but it may help to also take some dietary supplements, which often come in 250 or 500mg doses. Studies show up to 1000mg a...
What is an Adaptogen?
Adaptogen is probably a word that has started popping up on your radar more and more often these days, but really, what is it (or what are they)? A quick google search of the word Adaptogen brings up this definition: "a natural substance considered to help the body adapt to stress and to exert a normalizing effect upon bodily processes" It's no secret that eating well can change how you feel, but for the average person, it takes a bit of digging to realize that specific herbs and foods can target individual issues within your body. The most commonly mentioned concern?...
Beginners Guide to Gut Health
It seems like, today, gut health is all anyone is ever talking about. But often, people are just following food trends and don’t know how to, when, or why they should even be making changes to their diets. If this sounds like you, or like someone you know, then look no further- an easy, understandable guide to gut health, and what foods to eat to keep it healthy, is here! First, let’s talk about some signs that suggest you may want to make some changes. According to Reader’s Digest, the key things that point to having poor gut health are:...