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with love from the bottom of Foodly heart

Quick and Healthy--5 minutes Breakfast Bowl Recipe

Are you sick and tired of always having the same thing - eggs, oatmeal or cereal for breakfast? How about trying this easy healthy yummy breakfast bowl?  This breakfast bowl is high in protein, omega 3 and omega 6. It shouldn’t take you more than 5 minutes to make it. Curious? Then check out the recipe below! 5-minute Breakfast Bowl Recipe  Ingredients:   1 tablespoon Almond butter 1/2 cup cottage Cheese 1 tablespoon Healthworks Hemp Seeds   1/2 tablespoon Healthworks Cacao Nibs   1 tablespoon shred coconut  1/4 Granola 1/4 cup blueberries 1/4 cup strawberry   Instructions: Put all the ingredients...

Super Green --Healthworks Apple Lush Smoothie

In our everyday life, we are exposed to toxins from pollution, sun damage and chemicals. These can lead to bad skin condition and wrinkles. To help relieve the problems, we need to start from our diet. Introducing this super-green smoothie--Apple Lush Ginger smoothie. It is full of vitamins A,C B and B6. This smoothie also high in folate, which can encourage cell and tissue growth.   Ingredients: 1 teaspoon Healthworks Ginger Powder ½ green apple ½ red apple 1 celery stick ½  fennel bulb Handful of kale Handful of spinach ¼ cucumber 100ml water   Instructions:   Blend all the...

Superfood FAQ: Maca Powder

Maca Powder has been used as a power nutritional source by the Peruvians for thousands of years (also known as 'Peruvian Ginseng'). Healthworks Maca Powder is high in Protein, Fiber, Vitamin C, B Vitamins, Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Copper, Manganese and Fatty Acids. FAQs Question: How much should I take? Answer:The amount of maca powder you should consume each day may vary depending on your age and health status. In keeping with original ancestral Peruvian dosages, and for persons who are not pregnant; start by mixing 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of Maca into smoothies, yogurt, fruit juices, etc. Listen to your...

Live happily—5 Healthworks Tips to Manage Stress!

Have you ever been so overwhelmed by life — a work overload, an emotional flood and a dirty basket overload too? We are all human with our breaking point, but before we reach that, take a look at Healthworks’ tips on how to manage stress.       Write a journal Firstly, you have to be honest with your feelings, writing a journal can help you sort out what’s on your mind. It’s a meditative way to let out your emotions and talk to your inner-self. So yes, write down what is stressing you - let it all out!     Make a daily...

The Healing Cacao Chai Smoothie

After a long day of work, you might want a glass of a healing smoothie to help revitalize your mood. Here comes the Healing Cacao Chai Smoothie recipe. This smoothie contains phosphorus, which can help to strengthen your teeth and bones. Cacao nibs is one of the best source of antioxidants, dietary fiber, magnesium, potassium and are low in carbohydrates and sugar.     Ingredients: ½ tablespoon Healthworks Cacao nibs 1 tablespoon Healthworks Coconut Oil 75g cashew nuts 2 Medjool dates 1 chai tea bag 2 drops vanilla extract 300ml water   Instructions: Blend all the ingredients (except chai tea bag) till...