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with love from the bottom of Foodly heart

Superfood FAQ: Hemp Seeds

Did you know that Hemp Seeds are an ancient food that can be traced back thousands of years to Chinese, Egyptian, Persian and other cultures? Did you also know that early American settlers were given free land to grow hemp? This historic superfood has been making a strong comeback and for obvious reasons; it’s a powerful nutritional support to any diet. Check out our Hemp Seed FAQs below to learn more about this potent superfood.  Question: What are Hemp Seeds? Answer: Healthworks Organic Shelled Hemp Seeds (Hemp Hearts) are high in Potassium, Vitamin E, Magnesium, and have an excellent source of essential...

5 Tips For Staying Healthy This Holiday Season

The holidays are here!! With lots of travelling, hugging and more human contact than usual, it's not surprising that more people tend to get sick right before the holidays. We have put together a list of 5 Tips to keep you healthy this season.  1. Get Enough Sleep! This one can be difficult with so many events being packed into 5 weeks. The best way to make sure you are not losing any ZZZzzzzs is to track it and make sure you are aware of how much you are getting. Not getting enough sleep can lead to a lower immune...

Don't Get Rid of Your Pumpkin Seeds!

 Save Your Pumpkin Seeds and Try These Healthy & Delicious Recipes!  Spicy Pumpkin Seeds   Cinnamon Spice Pepitas   Have you run out of Pumpkin Seeds or already disposed of them? You're in luck, now's the time to stock up! Use the code: PUMPKIN35 at checkout to get 35% off our delicious 2 lb Pumpkin Seed bag! **code is one-time use only

Featured Recipe: Cinnamon Roasted Almonds

It's finally the time of year for festive gatherings and celebrations! You can easily get caught up nibbling on a bunch of unhealthy treats and hors d'oeuvre. This Cinnamon Roasted Almonds recipe has holiday flavor that won't leave you feeling as guilty as many other seasonal dishes.  Almonds are one of the world’s most nutritious and versatile nuts, renowned for their many health benefits and culinary uses. Our raw whole almonds will give your body powerful natural energy and a treasure trove of protein, fiber, biotin, manganese, copper, vitamin B2, phosphorus, magnesium, molybdenum. Ingredients 2 cups Healthworks Raw Almonds 2 tsp Healthworks...

Superfood FAQ: Cacao Nibs

Chocolate... that's good for you? Yes, it exists. Meet Cacao Nibs.  Have you heard of Cacao Nibs but are not exactly sure what they are or what they can actually do for you health-wise? Well we have the perfect new blog series for you! We would love to introduce our new blog series - Superfood FAQ! This blog series will answer your most frequently asked questions about some of our superfoods.   We first addressed Lucuma Powder and now we are onto Cacao Nibs! Learn more about these delicious superfood nibbles below!    Question: What are Cacao Nibs? Answer: The base of everything chocolate - a cacao nib is...